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Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's All About TIME

I cannot believe that I have not posted since the end of JULY!!!  Really?!?!  Where does the time go?   I never intentionally meant to leave my blog hanging like this.  I started getting my classroom ready the 1st week of August and my school life pretty much takes over everything at that point.  I really miss blogging and having time to keep up with and interact in blog land.  I know that every year it takes tons of time and so much extra energy at the beginning of the school year.  It is just hard to make time for school, my family and keep my blog going.  So I am hoping I am almost to that point where I might be able to squeeze in a post or two each week! YEA!

On a positive note, I did not spend my entire Sunday at school today!  WOO HOO!   I was up there for about 2 hours and decided I would do the rest of my school work at home.

This has been a great weekend for rest!  The temps were mid 60's-70's (LOVE) and rainy off and on.  This kind of weather makes me HAPPY! 
It just makes me want to curl up in my big, cozy chair and read a book!

I do have several school projects that I am going to share!  So happy to finally get them finished!
Stay tuned! 


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