My baby turned 3 on Monday. Where does the time go?!?! We finally decided that we would have a Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party; or as she says.."Strawberrwe Orkcake". I posted earlier about how I came to start making birthday cakes. You can read that post here if you would like! http://littlesprinklesoffun.blogspot.com/2011/03/cakes-cakes-and-more-cakes.html
Anyway...Strawberry Shortcake...
I always look around on-line to find some inspiration. I had several cakes that I found and loved! This cake was a combination of a few of them. It turned out so cute, I really hated to cut and serve it!
In the end...the cake was eaten, presents were opened, memories were made and fun was had by all! Now all that is left is one tired and exhausted mama! What a fun and memorable 3rd Birthday! :)