April 22 was Earth day! This week in Kindergarten we have been learning about our Earth and how to take care of it! I usually make these awesome Recycled Magazine Flowers with my kiddos! The great thing is that I usually turn this little project into a Mother's Day gift for their mothers! We have yet to get these started this year, even still I wanted to share these awesome flowers with you!
You all know how I love the Family Fun Magazine! This is an activity that I found in the magazine several years ago! I tried to find the link, but did not have much luck. I am sure it is on there somewhere...who knows!
You will need a :
*Bright and colorful glossy magazine pages
*Hole Punch
*Green Chenille Stems
*Buttons (2 hole buttons work the best)
*Clear/green pony beads

*First, you will cut 4 to 6 same-size magazine strips. I have cut them both the width and the length of the magazine page. It will work both ways! You can cut them between 1/2 inch to 1 inch.
*Overlap the ends of the strip and hold all of it down in the middle. You will hole punch through the middle of all three pieces. (You can also punch 3 holes in the strip before folding it. One hole in the middle, one on each end of the strip)

*I found that if you place a tight fitting bead onto the green stem that your flower will stay put better.
* You will then place your strip onto the stem. You will continue to make and hole punch strips until you like the fullness of your flower. (I usually just make strips out of the whole page and use all of them.)
* When you are finished with your flower, place a button through the green stem. You will thread the stem through the other hole in the button. I usually feed the stem all the way back through the bead underneath. This keeps the flower tight.

6.) Finishing touches! In the past I have used glass soda bottles as the vase! They always turn out so cute! Tie a ribbon around the vase and your done!
Other ideas:
You could also make these cute bows to finish a cute, wrapped present! Oh the possibilities are endless!!! :)