I drew out and copied triangles on white construction paper. I gave each of them a half sheet of white construction paper triangles.
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Happy Holidays!

I made this dessert for my husband on Father’s Day. He loves cheesecake, so I thought this might be a quick alternative! I am usually not big on cheesecake, but I still had to have a tiny sample of this one! Hubby loved it! Fast, easy and yummy…my kind of dessert!
3 (8-ounce) pkg. cream cheese, softened
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 (16.5-ounce) rolls refrigerator chocolate chip cookie dough
1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.) In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese, eggs, sugar, and vanilla until well mixed. Set aside.
3.) Spray a 9 x 13 inch glass dish with cooking spray.
4.) Use one roll of cookie dough, and press in to the bottom your glass dish. You will then spoon your cream cheese mixture over the cookie dough.
5.) Slice the other roll into thin slices and place them on top of the cream cheese mixture.
6.) Bake 45-50 min. or until golden and center is slightly firm.
7.) Remove from oven, let it cool and then refrigerate. Cut into slices when chilled.
You could even add toppings to this just before serving!
(Recipe from MrFood.com)
Look what I finally got yesterday!!! Woo Hoo!
I saw this gray Chevron fabric at Hobby Lobby about 4 weeks ago. I was excited that HL had finally gotten some Chevron fabric. I looked at it several times trying to decide if I really needed it. (I have to have a project in mind before I buy fabric.) SO…a week later I run to HL and guess what…NO CHEVRON Fabric!!! I was so disappointed!
So for 3 weeks, I have been calling the 3 close HL’s every Friday to see if they were shipped this gray Chevron Fabric. Each week I was disappointed by the fact that they did not get it in…UNTIL I called YESTERDAY!!!!
I was super excited when they told me that YES….they got it IN!!! YEA! Needless to say, I ran over to HL immediately!
I know…who…. really….gets this excited about gray Chevron fabric?!?!?! I have been really wanting to make something out of Chevron for months now. I just did not want to order it online. So now I am set!
SO what am I making?
Of course, I am not going to tell you right now…that would ruin the fun!
I will keep you posted!
Have a FUN & SAFE weekend!!
I have been on a mission since January to find the right way to shed some pounds. I started the year using Weight Watchers Online. I figured that I could keep track using the I-Phone app and I could easily track my points. With that said, I have lost about 20lbs using the old WW point system in the past. This time, I did not feel that I was having the same success with the new system. Plus, the WW app was not all that it cracked up to be. So, with that I decided to cancel my membership in early March.
A teacher friend had been faithfully using the My Fitness Pal app. (The also are online.) I had heard of it but I had also tried using other apps that counted calories. So, I was not sure I wanted to go that route. Anyway, I finally started using the My Fitness Pal app in mid-March. I decided that I loved being able to scan all my foods and it totally did all of the calculations for me! Yea! Plus, I have ran across very few foods that would NOT scan. That is a PLUS in my book!
So fast forward to now. I have been really good about tracking calories and watching what I eat. The MFP app told me that my daily calories should be1200. I am down 11 pounds…give or take….it depends on the day…
Anyway, I currently do not feel that I am loosing what I should be loosing considering that I am really trying to stick to those calories. So, last night I got to searching around on the web looking for suggested calorie intake. I might add that I found a very wide variety of opinions. I guess I am just trying to figure out if maybe 1200 is too few calories and thus resulting in very SLOOOOWWW weight loss.
I found this one and thought this was an interesting concept. It also gives you the option to zig-zag your calories everyday so you keep loosing and will not plateau. I might just run with it for a week or two and see how it goes. I will let you know what I think about this one in a couple of weeks!
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and opinions!
I have seen this recipe floating around blog land and thought my kids would think this was fun.
All you need is a can of Cinnamon Rolls.
Spray your waffle maker with oil before placing your rolls. Place 1 roll in each section on your waffle maker. (See I sprayed the bottom and forgot to spray the top!)
My waffle maker has a timer and beeps when it thinks it is finished. I set the temp. on medium-low. I did not want burnt waffles!
This is what they look like when they are finished! I let the kids ice their own waffles! I am positive that these would be great with syrup also!!
The kids and husband approved and it was a very quick and easy breakfast when you are short on time! I think I will add this to my list of favorites!
I LOVE totes, purses and bags!! So I have been wanting to sew up a couple of bags to use when we are out and about. I whipped up this cute little number for my daughter. I think she has a purse and bag obsession also! Of course, I am sure I had nothing to do with it! This tote is just the perfect size for a couple of coloring books and a small stuffed animal. We tend to take the bag with us when we go to restaurants. It keeps the kids much busier than the little coloring pages that they provide.
Oh and it is reversible!
I have fabric ready and waiting to make me a much bigger bag to carry to school. I can never have enough school bags!
I have considered making these bags to sell online. I think I would make a variety of sizes. What do you all think? I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and opinions!
My first baby turned 7 three weeks ago. I still cannot believe that I should be old enough to have a 7 year old. I said this just a month and half ago with my daughter… time just goes by way to quickly.
It really is fun to watch him grow and change. He is still that sweet little boy, but at times tries to play tough and act to cool for certain things.
He wanted an Angry Birds birthday cake. I searched high and low looking for Angry Bird cake ideas. I ended up combining several ideas that I saw. I think it turned out pretty cool! He would definitely NOT want me to say cute! He would say AWESOME!
I used two 12x18 layers and made all of the birds out of Marshmellow Fondant. I ended up making the tower out of Rice Krispy treats and covered them with grey fondant. I would strongly suggest the Rice Krispy treats as a good base. I used fondant at first and it would not hold it’s shape.
It is always a fun and stressful day when making and putting together birthday cakes! But we are creating lots of fun memories to share!