I am going to start trying to organize my blog a little bit this summer. I have come up with a routine schedule that I will try & hopefully be able to keep up! I think that if I have a set routine and/or agenda that it might make it easier to blog more consistently. (I am not yet promising this throughout the busy, hectic school year!) We will see! :) So here is what I am thinking so far:
Sunday--Might be my down day?
Make-over Monday-- repurposing
Totally Fun Tuesday--fun ideas to do with the kiddos
What I'm Working On Wednesday--my projects
Thankful Thursday
Feature Friday --I see awesome stuff
in blog land and want to share some of my favorites!
Sun-sational Saturday--- this one is open for
anything fun and summer like!
What do you think? I welcome any suggestions and/or ideas!!

Sounds like a good plan! Can't wait to read more. :)